
Fashions fade, Style is eternal.

Welcome to my QueenieFash Collection, where everything is just F A B & tres tres belle! Enjoy.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Diary 101: My Ambition

Black pants
White tank top
Blue bright colorful scarf from KMart
Pink bold necklace
Grey blazer ♥
Blue clutch purse
Colorful TOMS shoes
White & sparkly blue studded earrings
Gold watch :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Foreve12 Queenie


Oversized pink Blazer 
Rock feel top
Bracelet from Forever21
Black belt from my H&M dress
Black jeans from Marshalls
sn: I wore black socks with my black open wedges :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011