
Fashions fade, Style is eternal.

Welcome to my QueenieFash Collection, where everything is just F A B & tres tres belle! Enjoy.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Boredom Stroke Between Two Bestfriends

Today's Attire:

Necklace: $28.00 from Charming Charlie
Blazer: $9.50
Stripe high-waisted shorts: H&M
Top: Ross
Hairstyle by Tatyana White!

Prom Edition 2012

From right to left: Me, Thuy, Sarah & Lauren

R to L: Laura, Sarah, Thuy, Me, Chanice, Lauren, Gia, and Poly


R to L: Me, Thuy, Gia, Lauren, and Laura

My handsome Prom Date!

Goofing off with my Bestfriend