
Fashions fade, Style is eternal.

Welcome to my QueenieFash Collection, where everything is just F A B & tres tres belle! Enjoy.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Church Flow

Day 3 of Dorm Room Shopping

Something Light & A Fishtail Twist

Heaven On Earth

 Pepperoni pizza and strawberry smoothie made by moi :)

What better way to enjoy your Brunch than to watch Teen Wolf?

Do I look older?

New hairstyle. 
Thank you to my hairstylist, my Mommy dearest! 

Day 2 of Dorm Room Shopping

Day 1 of Dorm Room Shopping

Guess What?

I am a set of triplets!
(Left to Right: My intelligent sister, My artistic brother, and my Fashionista self)

Jogging Attire

Shades Compliment The Outfit! Thank you H&M


He Literally Belongs On a Rolling Stones Magazine

Straightened Asania's hair. Remind you, it's never been straightened since he was a child.

Such A Small World We Live In

Went shopping and guess who I ran into? My Girl, Marshalee!
(Left to Right: Mommy, Marsh, Me, and my Sister)